How to quickly view and modify all users are connected to your workspace
Below is a screenshot of our project overview within your Workspace settings - you can see how many users are connected to each project.
Any user connected to any active projects (projects not deleted) will count towards your seats. Deleting the projects directly is the fastest way to remove the user connections.
These users will not lose their SyncSketch user accounts. However, they won't be able to access the deleted project and will not count toward your workspace seats.
You can access the Workspace Settings from the menu that appears when you tap or hover over your avatar icon in the upper right corner.
To delete a project, hover over it in the list, then choose the appropriate icon from the buttons that appear at the far right:
Invite Approvals
Enterprise-tier customers have the option to require account administrator approval before invitations can be sent to new users who will count against your seats. See Managing Seat Count: Invite Request Approvals for details.