Creating new Projects is easy and fast
Adding Projects
You can add a new Project under the Projects Dropdown Menu next to your user icon in the upper right.
Once you click New Project It will allow you to name the Project, set privacy settings, and ask you which account this project should be created under.
By default the Project will be added under the active account. The next step is to add Users to your Workspace or Project.
Deleting Projects
To delete a project:
Go to your Project Overview by clicking the SyncSketch icon in the upper left corner.
Click on the ' ... More' Button
Click 'Delete Project'
Below you'll see a complete workflow from adding a project, creating the review, and - finally - deleting the project.
Note: Projects are not permanently purged from the system for 31 days. If you need to recover a deleted Project in that interval, you can contact us at
Quickly Deleting Projects
There is another way to delete projects if you need to delete several.
Navigate to the Workspace Settings which your Projects belong to. You will see a list of your Projects. If you hover over these projects you will see a Trashcan icon at the far right. Clicking on it will remove the project.