How to terminate your account and subscription
To remove your account from SyncSketch
Open the Your Profile and Settings page. To do this, open the dropdown menu from your User icon in the top right and click your user name.
Once you're in your settings page, click theGear button on the right side of the page and select Delete User...
You will be presented with a dialog confirming your choice to delete your user account.
Type DELETE after some careful consideration, then click OK, delete my account.
This will remove your user data from our system. You will no longer be able to login to SyncSketch.
If you are the owner / creator of a Workspace, the Workspace subscription will be cancelled immediately, and the Workspace will be deleted immediately.
If you are a member / invited into other users' Projects and or Workspaces, your items and notes will NOT be deleted, though it will be marked as being from from an inactive user.