You can upgrade your workspace to our paid plans at any time.
Please note that you can only make changes to your subscription if you are the owner of the workspace.
First, review our Pricing FAQs page to determine which plan is right for you.
From the Project Overview, open the dropdown from your avatar icon in the upper right.
Select the name of your workspace from the dropdown – an Owner badge will appear next to it.
In your Workspace Settings, click on the Billing tab:
The Upgrade Now button will reveal a list of plans you can choose from. If it's your first paid account, you will automatically be on a 14-day free trial.
Another way:
If are a member or owner of multiple workspaces, (e.g. more than one workspace shows up in your project navigation):
Make sure to select the Workspace you would like to upgrade from the dropdown under your user icon, then navigate to the Workspace Settings> Billing tab and hit Upgrade Account.
You will be directed to the upgrade page, and if it's your first paid account, you will automatically be on a 14-day free trial.